Thursday, November 11, 2010

Going to the Nations Prayerletter 3

While at the Medical appointment, Shalese had to have her heart listened to. Leanna said “Wow I can see her gills!” We had to explain that humans can breathe out of water, so therefore they are called ribs! Over the past month we have gone through all the checks and double checks to make sure we are healthy to go. The children have had to have a lot of needles, including the TB (Mantoux test). I said to the boys “Well, it will be the girls turn to have our mantuox test next week” Nathan piped up and said, “Wouldn’t that be called the womantuox test?” He has obviously kept his sense of humor through the whole process! God has provided a contract for our house, for a great price and in this market, it is a true miracle. It is a 4 week settlement, as we prayed for God’s timing; we will go with that! 1 Peter 4:11 summed up for us this month, of how he provides us strength to speak his words and serve for him! Praise God for all his provision and strength to get through all the moves and medicals!

Past and present:
- We had a truly encouraged with our time at Burwood Baptist Church, Sydney
- Have started our cluster group together, through our church, Rochedale Baptist
- LOTS of tidying for open houses and inspections
- Attending the Candidates Course on the 1st – 10th of December & state interview 9th Nov.
- Nathan performed in the choir
- Leanna has started practicing her piano skills and is doing very well!
- Nathan and Leanna received their behavior silver and bronze certificates at school
Prayer Points:
- Guidance of Peter, as he leads the Monday Prayer Meetings
- Rachael to keep up with packing, school and church responsibilities over the next 2 weeks
- JB – He can do a good job with his end of year assessments
- Nathan – That he doesn’t keep losing his voice, due to lots of talking and cheering at school
- Leanna – For her friend Katie, who is doing a road trip, please pray for a safe return
- Shalese – Has a good time with her kindy friends before the year ends
- God’s presence, guidance and safety as we attend the Candidates Course on the 1st-10th of December
Praise Points:
- A contract on the house. Yey!
- God’s provision of available appointments and finance for vaccinations and travel costs to Sydney
- The children (Mum and Dad too), were very brave during the medicals – a healthy family!
- Joshua was able to reach his deadlines for handing in work, Shalese learnt to ride her two wheeler bike

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