February 2011 Bosma Newsletter
We have had a month of ‘organisation’. Now that all our children attend school (the first time in 13 yrs). This has given us the opportunity to work on writing letters, arranging church appointments and catching up with friends and each other, for a coffee!
Peter completed his TESOL course. It was tough, but he received his certificate. Thanks to all those who were willing to assist with his assignments! Very Brave!
Rachael is enjoying her time helping in the children’s classrooms, and child minding for EYB bible group at church.
We are going to Sydney on the 18th March, for the MKPFO (missionary Kid Personnel Pre Field Orientation) It is designed for staff heading for ministry among MK’s and TCK’s. We are very excited about gaining more insight into the needs of MK’s, incl. our 4 future TCK’s!
Holding up each other
Our Pastor spoke recently, about the story of Moses, where as he raised his hands the war prevailed, but as they fell it changed course, so God called in two helpers, Aaron and Hur, to assist in ‘holding up’ Moses arms, for the battle to be won.
We sometimes feel that we have to ‘have it all together’ , but, just like Moses, we need to embrace the support of trusted friends and advisors. So I would like to Thank you for your words of encouragement and advice as we travel with you.
His servants, Pete and Rachael